In a move of breathtaking originality, TOM TOM has done something the whole world has been waiting for with baited breath.
As if we weren’t tired enough of commercial DJ banter, and “professionally radio-trained voices”, TOM TOM assumes we want more of that banal, irritating parade of yap-yap-yap, and has made the voices of two DJs from The Edge radio station available to download.
Yes, it’s true. Now you can listen to afternoon hosts Fletch and Vaughan, and at the VERY SAME TIME have your directions narrated by that irrepressible pair of radio wits.
Said Fletch and Vaughan: “We had so much fun finding the Voice of New Zealand and while the winner, Ben Harper, did a great job, we were jealous and had to make a downloadable GPS voice too.” Said Nick Saisanas, TomTom Marketing Communications Manager Asia Pacific: “The comedy duo has a fun radio show and I am pleased to say that they have some great quips for TomTom too.”
Fletch and Vaughan’s Voice is available for download via TomTom HOME for free on certain models, notably TomTom Start, Start 10, XL 250, XXL 550, GO 750, GO 950, Rider and all earlier models.
Personally, we’d rather face an eternity in purgatory. But that’s just us. GARY STEEL

Tom Tom’s Breathtaking Originality
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