Life After Death For Real Groovy

December 2, 2015


unnamedIF YOU’RE ANYTHING like us, lately you’ve been wondering whether, with the imminent closure of Real Groovy and the demolition of its current building, if when and where there’s going to be a new Real Groovy.

Finally, we have our answer. Owner Chris Hart (who really should change his name to Christ Hart after this natty move) has announced that on January 7 2016, Real Groovy will be moving across the road into what was the Salvation Army auditorium at 369 Queen St.

And as you can see, it’s a suitably classy space. “The new space is something special,” says Chris(t) Hart. “I couldn’t imagine a better location or space for Real Groovy.”

unnamedWe’re assuming that most readers of Witchdoctor are versed in Real Groovy’s long history and have spent many hours in its current voluminous space doing that most meditative of things: flicking through the racks for as long as it takes to find that special item.

Although some will be nostalgic for the current space, we think most of its customers will welcome the change to a more salubrious venue.

“The new shop is over two levels of retail”, says Hart. “The auditorium on the ground floor is a massive space: it’s the same kind of scale as the old store, but way groovier, absolutely perfect for us. And there’s a huge basement where we’ll be putting our vinyl department, giving it the room to grow that it needs”.

The old store 438 Queen Street will remain open until Sunday 17 January, and will host a “massive sale”, and customers are encouraged to make that final nostalgic visit to the old Real Groovy before the wrecking balls hit.



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Steel has been penning his pungent prose for 40 years for publications too numerous to mention, most of them consigned to the annals of history. He is Witchdoctor's Editor-In-Chief/Music and Film Editor. He has strong opinions and remains unrepentant. Steel's full bio can be found here


  1. I am thrilled that the Groovy family have found a new location,I have decided after recently moving to Ak from Raglan, that I will be making most of my several thousand albums available through RG. This wont probably happen til the new store opens, but I assure you I have some wonderful vinyl to move on, from sixtes upward. Will keep you updated, Merry Xmas to all, and congratulations Chris and crew for the new ” blessed ” premises ”

    Cheers Midge !

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