iFi ‘s new Retro Series components and speakers are now available in New Zealand. The Stereo 50 all-in-one and the new LSS3.5 bookshelf speakers are the first complete system made up of Retro Series products. The Stereo 50 is a valve based system designed for both sound quality and modern flexibility that belie its retro looks. It supports Bluetooth, USB, SPDIF digital streaming and vinyl, and comes with a proper headphone stage (which is a feature we love). The LS3.5 speakers are a classic design featuring the latest technologies for a 21st century reboot of the original BBC sound.
Stereo 50 All In One:
* 25W+25W pure valve amplifier with trickle-down technology from AMR
* Burr-Brown True Native chipset: Octa-Speed DSD512/Double-Speed 2xDXD/PCM768 kHz
* Bluetooth aptX plus SPDIF coaxial input plus optical input plus high gain MC/MM phono stage
* Ultra-Powerful Headphone amplifier : 8V/7000mW or 2V/250mW for in-ear monitors
* 3D Holographic Sound for Headphonesยฎ AND Speakersยฎ and XBass systems
LS3.5 speakers:
*Proprietary iFi 1โ silk tweeter and 4โ paper cone driver
*Time-Aligned, Multi-chamber Voigt design
*100% Bamboo cabinet for virtually nil colouration
These units are in NZ now ex-stock at $3,300 for the set from Feedback Audio.