The thing is, prog never stood a chance in here. First of all, when prog ruled the world in the early ‘70s, we were too much of a backwater to justify the expense of hauling out the equipment – huge banks of synthesisers and huge PAs and technicians to go with them – that went with the territory. So we never got to see the likes of ELP or King Crimson, and the European branch of prog, which continued to be fertile well after punk had killed it off in England and America, was never even on our radar down here on these tiny, distant islands.
But we did end up hearing Goblin on the soundtracks to Dario Argento’s sensual exploitation-horrors when they were released on video in the 1980s, and I guess over time, as Argento has become more of a celebrated cult figure, the aroma around the music that was such a signature sound to his movies has become that much richer.

It was great to see such a large and enthusiastic turnout for the movie/gig combo, although it was clear from some of the braying audience comments at the beginning that there were those in attendance who expected it to be a complete piss-take – that is, an opportunity to replicate the experience of Ant Timpson’s much missed Incredibly Strange Film Festival. I couldn’t help tittering when just prior to the first note of music, someone shouted “Play some Slayer!”, and someone retorted with “Play some Leo Sayer!”
Like an idiot, I had expected the film to run silently with subtitles while the group played, but of course, this was not the case. We got the English language dub of the film (apparently each actor spoke in their own language during the shooting, and the whole film was dubbed later for each specific market), and it was definitely a strange experience, from an audio point of view, combining the film’s dialogue with Goblin’s sound effects and music. It was hugely different to the typical movie surround sound effect: there was nothing particularly hi-fidelity about either the sound of the dialogue or the music, but the live music transformed the film, turning it into a genuinely scary and psychedelic experience. In fact, it reminded me all over again just how important and powerful sound design is in a film, and how often it’s done poorly. Goblin’s sections in Suspiria can be called crass, obvious, and even predictable, because you know that whenever a scary section arrives, here’s the cue for some scary pseudo-prog, but the point is that it works, and it’s terrifically powerful in context.

Goblin’s film music is distinctive without being totally original. Their repetitive keyboard/guitar arpeggiations betray the influence of 1960s minimalist composers like Glass and Riley, and (don’t laugh) there’s definitely more than a smidgen of Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells in there as well. It’s obvious – Oldfield’s queasy listening masterpiece was used as the theme for The Exorcist, after all. But Goblin added real firepower and Italian drama and flair, and therefore, were the perfect match for Argento’s movies.

Goblin’s music, on the other hand, still sounds utterly fresh. It’s just a pity they couldn’t have played a couple of encore pieces after the movie, just to show what they’re really made of. A lot of their film music features dramatic cascading lines on what sound like huge church organs, and I couldn’t stop imagining how they would have manhandled that Auckland Town Hall pipe organ to their own prog-grandiose ends. GARY STEEL
* Goblin/Suspiria featured in the 2013 NZ International Film Festival. Gary Steel paid for his ticket.
I agree with Gary Steel an encore would have been the go. Was a long way to come and they could have played at least a couple of numbers as it was obvious a large part the audience were there because of their respect for this band. Terrible wooden acting but that kind of added a humour to the film. Makes you think of all the movies that would be great with live soundtrack.
Suspiria has a few problems, but it’s still better and more imaginative than 99% of horror movies made since then – or 99% of Hollywood blockbusters in the same time period quite frankly.
I am wondering how often they have done this, as they were so tightly bound to the movie. I had been thinking maybe subtitles, but the skill with which they blended in with what was only I perceived the dialogue and effects tracks was impressive. loved it, best night out for ages! I think the absence of an encore was in keeping too, these guys were there for the movie, and in some way it was more respectful to give it the final word, as cheesy as it now seems. I’m sure they had better fake blood available, god knows why they went for dulux pilllar box red.
Good review. If you Youtube ‘Goblin Melbourne 2012’ there’s a clip of them playing the huge pipe organ at Melbourne Town Hall, during a full concert of tracks from Tenebre, Dawn of the Dead, Suspiria and so on. If Ant T. can get them back to Auckland I’m pretty sure they’d do a ripper job in full concert there.