iFi Micro Components land in NZ

November 1, 2012

ONE OF THE runaway hits of the recent Rocky Mountain Audiofest, iFi Audio has launched a brand new range of products incorporating ‘trickle down’ technology from the British high-end audio manufacturer Abbingdon Music Research (AMR).
Local importer/distributor Feedback Audio will be representing the brand in NZ, with the first shipment having already arrived and ready to purchase directly from the importer.

Currently the range consists of the well specified USB-only iDac, utilising the acclaimed ESS Sabre 24/192 asynchronous chipset, the iCan headphone amplifier featuring ‘tubestate’ Class-A topology and ‘3D HolographicSound’ technology, iPhono with its six selectable EQ curves and Class-A output stage, and finally a dedicated iUSB PSU that separates the USB audio from noise-inducing power from the computer.
iFi will introduce a dedicated pigtail Gemini dual-path USB cable for this interesting component at a date TBA.  It’s a king hit in terms of technology to be sure, but just as salivating are the prices for each component.

The iDac will retail for $450, iCan $399, iPhono $599 and finally the iUSB at $299.
That’s excellent pricing for a group of components using practically state of the art technology and wrapped in aircraft-grade aluminium.

Here’s a cut’n paste from the iFi website: Stephen Mejias of Stereophile reports on the iFi micro from RMAF: “Michael Lavorgna went home with the iDac, Michael Fremer went home with the iPhono, “
We’re getting all four components for what should be a world-first review, so watch these pages – their arrival at WD is imminent!



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